
A reasonable, reusable default config for eslint v9 based on antfu/eslint-config

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A reusable default configuration for ESLint v9 built on top of @antfu/eslint-config. This configuration provides a sensible set of rules to keep JavaScript code clean and consistent.


Install the package and its required dependencies using npm:

npm install --save-dev @rvanbaalen/eslint-config eslint


Basic Usage

In your project's ESLint configuration (e.g., eslint.config.js), import and extend the default configuration:

import { config } from "@rvanbaalen/eslint-config";

export default config();


If you need to customize the rules or override some options, you can import the configuration function and pass your custom options. For example:

import { config } from "@rvanbaalen/eslint-config";

export default config(
    // Option overrides for the underlying configuration
    antfu: {
      react: true // Enable React support if needed
    // Additional or overriding ESLint rules
    semi: ["error", "always"]

This approach allows you to tailor the ESLint rules to your project's specific requirements while still using a well-defined, default configuration.

Running ESLint

Define a run script in your package json:

  "scripts": {
    "lint": "eslint ."


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.