
Zero-dependency core DOM manipulation utilities in vanilla JavaScript.

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@rvanbaalen/domjs is a lightweight library that provides essential DOM manipulation functions without any additional dependencies. It is designed to be simple and minimal, making common DOM operations both intuitive and efficient.


Install the package via npm:

npm install @rvanbaalen/domjs


Import the functions into your project as needed. The library exports the following utilities:

  • $: A function to select the first DOM element that matches a given selector.
  • $: A function to select all DOM elements that match a given selector.
  • domPrepend: Inserts HTML content at the beginning of a specified element.
  • domAppend: Inserts HTML content at the end of a specified element.
  • domBefore: Inserts HTML content immediately before a specified element.
  • domAfter: Inserts HTML content immediately after a specified element.

Selecting Elements

Single Element Selection

Use the $ function to select the first element that matches the selector.

import { $ } from '@rvanbaalen/domjs';

const element = $('#myElement'); // Selects the first element with ID "myElement"

Multiple Elements Selection

Use the $ function to select all elements that match the selector.

import { $ } from '@rvanbaalen/domjs';

const elements = $('.myClass'); // Selects all elements with the class "myClass"

DOM Manipulation

Prepending HTML

Insert HTML content at the beginning of an element using domPrepend.

import { domPrepend } from '@rvanbaalen/domjs';

const container = $('#container');
const htmlSnippet = '<p>Prepended content</p>';
domPrepend({ context: container, tpl: htmlSnippet });

Appending HTML

Insert HTML content at the end of an element using domAppend.

import { domAppend } from '@rvanbaalen/domjs';

const container = $('#container');
const htmlSnippet = '<p>Appended content</p>';
domAppend({ context: container, tpl: htmlSnippet });

Inserting HTML Before an Element

Insert HTML content immediately before an element using domBefore.

import { domBefore } from '@rvanbaalen/domjs';

const element = $('#element');
const htmlSnippet = '<p>Content before element</p>';
domBefore({ context: element, tpl: htmlSnippet });

Inserting HTML After an Element

Insert HTML content immediately after an element using domAfter.

import { domAfter } from '@rvanbaalen/domjs';

const element = $('#element');
const htmlSnippet = '<p>Content after element</p>';
domAfter({ context: element, tpl: htmlSnippet });


Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


Distributed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.