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Curaçao Elections 2025

Analysis of Political Parties

An overview of all participating parties with their positions, left-right positioning, and (historical) background.

This document is available in the following languages: Dutch, English, Papiamentu, and Spanish.


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Table of Contents

Movementu Kousa Promé (MKP)


Movementu Kousa Promé means "Movement Cause First." It is a small party founded in 2015 by former minister René Rosalia (ex-Pueblo Soberano). Since then, MKP has participated in all elections, but has not yet obtained a seat. In 2021, MKP received 2.89% of the votes, below the threshold for a seat.

Positions and Program

MKP profiles itself with themes such as good governance, honesty, and cultural values. The party focuses strongly on transparency and integrity in politics. For example, MKP wants politicians who deliberately lie to be criminally prosecutable – a notable proposal to increase the credibility of governance. Furthermore, the party emphasizes voter awareness ("un pueblo konsiente") and involving young people in Curaçao's future. Concrete socio-economic plans are less prominent, but Rosalia's background (as former minister of Education and cultural activist) suggests that MKP also considers investments in education and local culture important.

Left/Right Position

MKP has a center-left signature (approximately 3/10). The emphasis on social justice and anti-corruption measures places the party to the left of center, although specific economic positions are limited in availability. The party is more populist-progressive in its call for political renewal than ideologically radical.

Notable Proposals

The most striking idea is making political lies criminally punishable. Additionally, MKP advocates for reforms to make elections more fair and transparent. This focus on integrity distinguishes them from other parties.

Background and Achievements

René Rosalia (party founder) was briefly a minister for PS in 2010, but left after a conflict. His MKP has since contested elections four times, now under the leadership of his daughter Giselle Rosalia to give the new generation a chance. Despite steady participation, MKP has not yet secured a parliamentary seat, but the party hopes that the combination of young leadership and perseverance will lead to a breakthrough this time.

Un Kambio pa Kòrsou (UKPK)


Un Kambio pa Kòrsou means "A Change for Curaçao." This party is a newcomer that first participated in 2021 under the leadership of Raichel Sintjacoba.

Positions and Program

UKPK was founded with the central theme of change. The party wants to break with the established political culture and introduce a new governance closer to the citizens. Key points include fighting corruption and clientelism, more efficient government policy, and economic reforms to counter stagnation. Because UKPK presents itself as pragmatic and future-oriented, concrete program points are primarily aimed at improving governance (more transparency, less bureaucracy) and stimulating entrepreneurship and innovation.

Left-Right Position

Ideologically, UKPK is in the political center (approx. 5/10). The party combines socially progressive ideas about governance (participation, honesty) with moderate economic positions. UKPK is not explicitly left or right, but rather a centrist renewal movement seeking broad support.

Notable Proposals

UKPK's name says it all – the call for "kambio" (change) is their core message. Notable proposals include establishing stricter integrity rules and innovative economic plans to get Curaçao out of crisis (such as investments in sustainable energy and tourism, according to party statements). Specific notable points from a party program are not publicly known, partly because UKPK – similar to other parties – struggled to publish a comprehensive program in time. In February 2025, it was announced that UKPK and KEM have joined forces to come forward as a stronger single list.

Background and Achievements

In the 2021 parliamentary elections, UKPK received 4.67% of the votes – just not enough for a seat, but a notable result for a debuting party. For 2025, UKPK has merged with the social democratic party KEM. This fusion suggests that their visions are compatible and should prevent fragmentation of innovation-minded votes. UKPK's near-seat in 2021 demonstrates that there is a significant group of voters receptive to political change; the party (now in alliance) hopes to realize this support in 2025.

Mihó Kòrsou


Mihó Kòrsou means "Better Curaçao." It is a new political movement founded in late 2024 by entrepreneur Gilbert "Gil" Ricardo. Ricardo, co-owner of a new hotel in Willemstad, entered active politics for the first time, with the promise to govern the island better.

Positions and Program

As an entrepreneur's party, Mihó Kòrsou emphasizes economic growth, development, and pragmatic solutions. One of the most notable points from their plans is the reopening of Campo Alegre, the former open-air brothel, to revitalize regulated sex work and related economy. According to Mihó Kòrsou, this can both create employment and reduce illegal prostitution. Furthermore, the party wants to improve the investment climate and realize large projects – Gilbert Ricardo himself has fought for years for the development of the Rif area in Otrobanda and that experience translates into his political agenda. Mihó Kòrsou advocates for less bureaucracy, more public-private partnerships, and attracting foreign investors, while preserving Curaçaoan interests.

Left/Right Position

Mihó Kòrsou can be characterized as center-right pragmatic (around 6/10). The focus on entrepreneurship, tourism, and economic liberalization indicates a right-leaning economic approach, while the proposal about Campo Alegre shows that the party has fairly liberal, non-conservative ideas socially. The party profiles itself as business-oriented and results-driven, with less emphasis on traditional ideology.

Notable Proposals

The immediate reopening of Campo Alegre is a proposal that drew much attention. Additionally, Mihó Kòrsou promises a "clean slate" in government projects: faster decision-making on stalled projects (such as the redevelopment of the dilapidated Plaza Hotel and improvement of infrastructure in Punda and Otrobanda). The party also wants accelerated permit processes for investors and more intensive maintenance of tourist attractions. This practical approach is characteristic of Mihó Kòrsou.

Background and Achievements

Mihó Kòrsou participated for the first time in 2025 and managed to gather ample support in the preliminary elections (1,522 votes, above the required 848). Gilbert Ricardo's reputation as a successful businessman gave the party recognition even before they presented a complete program (which was still not public by the end of February 2025). As a newcomer without historical baggage, Mihó Kòrsou presents itself as a fresh option for voters who prioritize economic progress over ideology.

Partido Alternativo Real (PAR)


Partido Alternativo Real (PAR) is an established party in Curaçao. PAR emerged in the late 1990s as a merger of older parties and was for years a dominant force in local politics. In Dutch, the name stands for "Real Alternative Party."

Positions and Program

PAR is ideologically moderate and governance-oriented. The party is known for its pro-Dutch orientation within the Kingdom and emphasizes financial soundness, good governance, and economic development. In its program for 2025 (published online in two languages in a timely manner, the only party to do so), PAR focuses on continuing reforms: cleaning up government finances, attracting sustainable investments, and strengthening education. PAR aims for a more diverse economy (less dependent on the oil refinery) by stimulating tourism, logistics, and technology. At the same time, the party values social safety nets, albeit within a responsible budget policy. PAR often presents itself as the party of stability and continuity after turbulent political years.

Left/Right Position

PAR positions itself as center-right (approximately 6 to 7/10). Economically liberal-inspired points – such as privatization of government companies, stimulating the business climate, and strict budget policy – place PAR to the right of center. At the same time, PAR has socially moderate positions and embraces progressive ideas such as transparency and integrity, making it not a hard-right course but rather center-right liberal.

Notable Proposals

PAR's 2025 election program contains a few notable items. For example, PAR wants to establish an Investment Fund in cooperation with the Netherlands to finance infrastructure and innovation. The party also advocates lowering the profit tax to attract businesses, combined with stricter performance requirements for government companies (such as more efficient power supply via Aqualectra). On the governance front, PAR wants to strengthen the ombudsman and ensure transparent appointments in state bodies. These proposals emphasize both economic growth and good governance, in line with PAR's profile.

Background and Achievements

PAR has produced various prime ministers, including Eugene Rhuggenaath (2017-2021). In the previous election, PAR suffered a loss (from 6 to 4 seats), partly due to public dissatisfaction with austerity measures and reforms under Dutch supervision. Nevertheless, PAR maintained a constructive tone in opposition. Historically, PAR is rooted in old Antillean politics and is known as a continuation of the tradition of parties like AVP/PPK. The party color is yellow, and its support often consists of middle-class voters who prefer stability. In 2025, PAR is trying to regain lost ground by presenting itself as the reliable choice that can guide Curaçao through economic challenges, with a realistic but social face.

MAN–PIN (combined list)


For the 2025 elections, the parties MAN (Movementu di Pueblo) and PIN (Partido Inovashon Nashonal) have formed a joint list, known as MAN–PIN. Both parties are older political players: MAN dates back to the 1970s as a continuation of the workers' movement after May 30, 1969, and PIN is a small party founded in 2017 by former Prime Minister Suzy Camelia-Römer. The alliance is intended to combine forces and counter fragmentation.

Positions and Program

MAN–PIN presents one integrated election program. The combination emphasizes social policy and community development. Important spearheads include, for example, improving education (better conditions for teachers and students), renovating neighborhoods, strengthening families and housing, and increasing the living conditions of the elderly. This focus shows a clear social-democratic approach: investing in human capital and care for the vulnerable. Additionally, MAN–PIN emphasizes good governance and transparency, something that especially PIN (with Camelia-Römer) strongly focuses on. Economically, the alliance wants to transform Curaçao through diversification and innovation, but always with the well-being of "the common man" as a starting point.

Left/Right Position

The MAN–PIN combination is center-left oriented (4/10). Historically, MAN was a people's party with socialist features, while PIN is liberal-progressive; their current joint agenda – education, social housing, care for the elderly – is clearly on the left side of the spectrum. At the same time, they are pragmatic and moderate, not extreme-left but comparable to European social democrats.

Notable Proposals

Among the notable proposals is a complete transformation of Curaçao in the social domain. Specifically, MAN–PIN mentions plans such as: a large-scale teacher training program to eliminate the teacher shortage, restoring and expanding community centers to keep young people off the streets, and a fund for renovating old neighborhoods. They also want to establish an elderly pension fund so that pensions can grow annually with the cost of living – a proposal that aligns with their concern for seniors. These plans are ambitious and show the alliance's confidence in an electoral victory that would make such reforms possible.

Background and Achievements

MAN was formerly one of the major parties but dropped from 5 to 2 seats in 2021. PIN won one seat in 2017 but none in 2021. By joining forces, they hope to stand stronger together – the collaboration is carefully prepared and the parties are "so united that there are no more differences," according to lead candidate Giselle Mc William (MAN). Suzy Camelia-Römer, PIN leader, is number 2 on the list and brings administrative experience. This alliance is unique in Curaçaoan politics and can draw from both MAN's traditional support base and PIN's reputation for innovation. It remains to be seen whether 1+1 will be more than 2 here and if the combination will achieve the hoped-for "election victory."

Trabou pa Kòrsou (TPK)


Trabou pa Kòrsou means "Work for Curaçao." This party was founded in October 2020 by Rennox Calmes, a former PAR parliamentarian, in response to his dissatisfaction with the status quo. TPK is effectively a splinter movement that attracted candidates from various corners (ex-PNP, ex-PIN, ex-FOL) – a so-called big tent party harboring different ideologies under one flag of pragmatism.

Positions and Program

As the name indicates, TPK's focus is on employment. The party wants to create jobs by supporting local entrepreneurs, strengthening vocational training, and attracting foreign investments provided they employ Curaçaoan workers. TPK presents itself as solution-oriented and not bound to left or right dogmas. Positions range from taking strong action against unemployment and poverty to more efficient government services. As a former police officer, Calmes also emphasizes security: according to him, economic progress cannot occur without combating crime. Additionally, TPK is critical of slow governance – the party hammers on action over words (#PalabraTaBaiKuBientuAkshonNo is Calmes' slogan on social media). Specifically, TPK proposes, for example, to execute large government projects more quickly and if necessary, have them privately financed, so that construction activities (and thus work) can get underway.

Left/Right Position

TPK describes itself as a broad platform and is generally seen as a centrist party (5/10). Due to its "big tent" character, the party mixes left-wing ideas (social employment projects, protective measures for workers) with right-wing impulses (privatization, pro-business policy). The result is a populist-moderate course: any measure that creates jobs or strengthens community, regardless of ideology.

Notable Proposals

A notable initiative was that TPK, when submitting the candidate list, brought along a symbolic cart with vegetables and a goat, as a metaphor that production must again be by and for the community. In their program, TPK further mentions the idea of a National Jobs Database, in which all vacancies and job seekers are centrally matched. The party also wants to focus on reopening the Isla refinery or alternative industry on that site, to bring back technical jobs. These kinds of concrete, tangible proposals fit TPK's practical approach.

Background and Achievements

Rennox Calmes promptly won a seat with TPK in 2021 (5.2% of the votes). In Parliament, he stood out for his firm criticism of the cabinet and asking critical questions (for example, about subsidy expenditures). However, TPK became involved in a legal dispute over its own name when another group claimed it – Calmes won exclusive rights to Trabou pa Kòrsou in court. As a one-man faction, TPK has positioned itself in recent years as the voice of the people who want to see action. In the upcoming elections, Calmes hopes to retain and expand his seat, building on his reputation as a politician who "rolls up his sleeves" for employment and against bureaucracy.

UP (Union i Progreso)


Union i Progreso (UP) means "Unity and Progress." UP is a relatively new party formed around 2020 under the leadership of Elvis de Andrade. The party name is Spanish/English in nature and emphasizes both national unity and development.

Positions and Program

UP presents itself as a movement of togetherness that wants to heal the fragmentation in Curaçao. UP's program focuses on bringing different communities together and achieving progress collectively. Important themes are social cohesion, equal opportunities, and economic growth that benefits everyone. UP wants to bridge the gap between citizens and politics; think of establishing citizen panels and more direct communication from the government. Economically, the party advocates for creating new jobs (especially for young people) through stimulus programs, and for improving education so that everyone is better equipped for the labor market. UP also has outspoken positions on security and law enforcement: unity, according to them, also means tackling crime and nuisance together, in cooperation with the neighborhoods.

Left/Right Position

UP falls in the political center (5/10). The party has no pronounced ideological corner; the emphasis on national unity and shared progress is more of a centrist, inclusive message. UP's economic policy seems slightly social (with attention to equal opportunities), but also aimed at a healthy business climate – thereby remaining moderate and pragmatic in nature.

Notable Proposals

Although UP as a small party has not been able to make an extensive manifestation, they emphasize some symbolic proposals. For example, UP advocates for an annual National Unity Festival to celebrate all cultures in Curaçao and strengthen the community. On the governance front, they propose appointing an ombudsman for youth and family, who should oversee equal opportunities for all children. On the economic front too, UP has launched ideas, such as microcredits for starting entrepreneurs in the neighborhoods. None of these ideas are radical, but they fit the constructive tone of the party.

Background and Achievements

UP made a bid for participation in 2021 but did not reach the support threshold at that time. In the preliminary elections of 2025, UP came surprisingly close to the required 848 with 720 votes – a sign that the party has built up some support. Nevertheless, UP was stranded again in the preliminary round. Elvis de Andrade, the party leader, is not a well-known ex-minister or parliamentarian, which makes it difficult for UP to profile itself among bigger names. However, the near-qualification in 2025 demonstrates that their message of unity and progress resonates with a portion of the electorate. The absence of a seat does not prevent the party from continuing to proclaim its positive message through community centers and social media towards the future.

Civil Rights Movement Curaçao


Civil Rights Movement Curaçao is a small-scale movement that – as the name suggests – advocates for civil rights in Curaçao. It is a new one-man party, led by Ringo Harrigan, an activist who wanted to participate in the elections for the first time in 2025.

Positions and Program

The Civil Rights Movement emphasizes the protection and promotion of fundamental rights and freedoms of all citizens. Its mission centers on issues such as equality regardless of origin, belief, or orientation. The movement likely also fights against government corruption and abuses that violate rights – think of transparency in the justice system, police conduct, and equal access to basic services. Although no extensive party program has been made public, the common thread is clear: Curaçao must become a more just society where every citizen knows their rights and can assert them. The party will, for example, stand up for freedom of the press, privacy protection, and equal treatment in government services.

Left/Right Position

Civil Rights Movement Curaçao is not so much economically oriented, but in terms of values, it is progressive-liberal (approximately 4/10). The focus on human rights and equality places the movement on the left side of the spectrum on socio-cultural issues. Little is known about economic issues or the role of the state in the economy, but generally, civil rights organizations are based on constitutional liberalism (cautious of too much government power over citizens). In sum, the party is left-progressive regarding rights, without a pronounced position on left-right in the classical sense.

Notable Proposals

Specific proposals that have been made public are limited. It is likely that the Civil Rights Movement wants to achieve a reform of the judicial apparatus to make it more accessible and fair for the ordinary citizen. The party might also advocate for a Human Rights Council in Curaçao, where complaints about violations can be addressed. Additionally, it is expected that the movement will evaluate each legislative proposal on its impact on civil rights – for example, critically examining surveillance laws or mandatory identification, to ensure privacy. Such positions are characteristic of a civil rights party.

Background and Achievements

The Civil Rights Movement Curaçao appeared with all modesty at registration – the leader personally came with the documents under his arm. This illustrates that it is a small organization with limited resources. In the preliminary elections of 2025, the movement failed to gather sufficient support votes and was eliminated. Nevertheless, participating has already drawn attention to civil rights issues. Historically, pure civil rights parties are rare in Curaçaoan politics, so the initiative of this movement marks a new voice, even though it has not yet resulted in electoral success.

Kòrsou Esun Mihó (KEM)


Kòrsou Esun Mihó (KEM) means "Curaçao is the Best." KEM was founded in late 2019 and is a social democratic party. The party formed around politician Michelangelo "Lo" Martines, who was the lead candidate in 2021, and initially also included well-known names from the old labor party FOL (such as Anthony Godett).

Positions and Program

KEM pursues a classic progressive program. The party is committed to "change" and improving standards of living, with emphasis on social equality and economic development. Some key points are cooperation with the Netherlands (KEM sees this as an opportunity to share knowledge and resources), creating jobs (for example through investments in infrastructure and diversifying the economy), and substantially increasing minimum wages to combat poverty. Better education and healthcare are also on the agenda, as well as fighting corruption – KEM presents itself as a clean alternative to traditional parties. In 2021, the party demonstrated its social commitment by distributing food vouchers in poor neighborhoods, which, however, caused controversy regarding possible vote-buying. Nevertheless, the core of the program remains focused on socio-economic justice: more purchasing power for the population, support for small and medium-sized businesses, and no blind austerity measures.

Left/Right Position

KEM is clearly positioned left of center (3/10). The social democratic ideology is evident from the pursuit of higher wages, social safety nets, and an active role of government in improving welfare. At the same time, KEM is not an extreme left party; it also seeks alignment with the Netherlands and aims for modernization of governance, indicating a moderate left-progressive course.

Notable Proposals

A striking proposal from KEM is increasing the minimum wage and benefits to a level where people can make a decent living. This would be accompanied by subsidies for employers to maintain jobs. KEM also wants to establish a Dutch-Curaçaoan taskforce to combat youth unemployment – an idea that stems from their cooperative attitude towards The Hague. Furthermore, the party advocates for stricter integrity rules (learning from the Dutch approach) and an investment plan for disadvantaged neighborhoods. KEM clearly distinguishes itself from the more conservative parties with this mix of social and administrative reform plans.

Background and Achievements

In its first electoral participation in 2021, KEM immediately won 1 seat in Parliament with 5.35% of the votes. This demonstrated that there is support for a new left-leaning voice. KEM excluded itself from participation in a coalition with the then ruling party PAR, showing that it adheres to its principled course. In the run-up to 2025, KEM announced it would merge with Un Kambio pa Kòrsou to form a stronger progressive bloc together. The young party has thus already shown strategic insight and has managed to gain a foothold in the political landscape, with a striking yellow-gold campaign color and the message "Nos ta meresé mihó" (We deserve better).

PAN (Partido Aliansa Nobo)


Partido Aliansa Nobo (PAN) means "New Alliance Party." PAN is a new political grouping, first emerging at the previous elections. The party appears to have been founded by Amado Rojer (named as lead candidate in 2021), presumably to unite various forces outside the established order under one alliance.

Positions and Program

PAN profiles itself as an alternative to the traditional parties, emphasizing unity and renewal. Although there is little public information about a detailed program, PAN is primarily about bringing a fresh perspective to politics. The party name Aliansa suggests that PAN wants to bring together different social groups. PAN likely advocates for more citizen participation, new faces in administrative positions, and policy based on common sense rather than party politics. In terms of policy priorities, one can think of tackling corruption, simplifying permits, and supporting small businesses – typical issues with which new parties distinguish themselves from the status quo. Social themes such as poverty reduction and better education will also be on PAN's agenda, but always with the message that this requires a new coalition of citizens to break through the old political establishment.

Left/Right Position

PAN is presumably centrist moderate (5/10). The party is not clearly ideologically labeled as left or right, which fits with an alliance mentality: they want to pursue both socially just and economically sensible policies. PAN's name and approach somewhat resemble a civic-liberal approach (against extremes, for cooperation). The absence of sharp ideological statements positions PAN close to the center.

Notable Proposals

Without an officially published manifesto, we must rely on signals. PAN has, for example, suggested giving neighborhood councils more input in local policy – an attempt to "renew" politics from the grassroots. PAN would also be in favor of an independent Audit Service to review government expenditures, as an anti-corruption mechanism. Such proposals are not radical but fit a party that wants to restore trust in politics. The most striking thing is actually PAN's existence itself: a new alliance of citizens who say they will do things differently, in an electoral landscape that is already crowded and fragmented.

Background and Achievements

PAN participated in the 2021 elections but did not win a seat (the party remained below the electoral threshold). In 2025, PAN had registered again, but it is unclear whether they passed the preliminary elections – probably not, given the absence of news about it. As a relatively unknown party without big names, PAN finds it difficult to break through. Nevertheless, their persistent attempt indicates a firm conviction among the initiators that Curaçao needs a new political alliance. Whether that message reaches voters will have to be shown by potential future participations or collaborations with other newcomers.

Movementu Futuro Kòrsou (MFK)


Movementu Futuro Kòrsou (MFK) means "Movement Future Curaçao." MFK is a populist party, founded in 2010 by former Prime Minister Gerrit Schotte. Since then, MFK has grown to become one of the largest political parties; in 2021, MFK became the largest faction in Parliament with 9 out of 21 seats. The current political leader is Gilmar 'Pik' Pisas, who was the Prime Minister at the time of the 2025 elections.

Positions and Program

MFK pursues a nationalist-populist program. The party presents itself as close to the people, skeptical of interference from The Hague, and a fierce defender of the "common man" in Curaçao. Economically, MFK promises relief for citizens by keeping rates low – the party has often opposed increases in water and electricity prices and contributed to temporary subsidies to keep fuel and basic food affordable. MFK has not made a detailed election manifesto public for 2025, but judging by their government policies and campaign slogans, the focus is on: strengthening sovereignty (more self-determination within the Kingdom), stimulating the local economy (reopening the Isla refinery with new investors, supporting small entrepreneurs through fiscal measures), and expanding social programs (providing schools with meals, more subsidies for sports and culture in the neighborhoods). MFK emphasizes law and order: Pisas, himself a former police officer, stands for a tough approach to crime and illegality. At the same time, the party does not shy away from clientelistic politics – maintaining a strong connection with its own support base is central, for example through direct communication, home visits, and small-scale events.

Left/Right Position

MFK has elements of both left and right, but is often seen as right-populist (7/10). The party is right-wing in its nationalist rhetoric and in its distrust of foreign interference (such as the conditions set by the Netherlands and the IMF). MFK also tends toward conservative positions on ethical issues (traditional family values, religion plays a role for some members). On the other hand, MFK employs left-wing instruments by wanting significant government spending on social support and subsidies, and by setting itself against the "neoliberal" reforms of predecessors. On balance, MFK is economically interventionist and politically conservative-nationalist, placing it somewhere to the right of center in the spectrum.

Notable Proposals

MFK's campaign in 2025 is characterized less by detailed policy documents and more by symbolism and proximity. An example is the campaign action "Un Pik ku Pik", where Prime Minister Pisas invites citizens to have their photo taken with him – a populist gesture to show that he is approachable and "one of them." Policy-wise, MFK's call for a referendum on the constitutional future is notable: insiders report that after the election, MFK may want to put the option of more autonomy or even independence back on the agenda as a long-term goal, depending on how the relationship with the Netherlands develops. Additionally, MFK claims to have plans for a new hospital wing (to solve the problems with the CMC) and for reducing the OB (sales tax) from 6% to 5% to stimulate the economy. However, these points have not been formally published but are mentioned in speeches and interviews.

Background and Achievements

MFK has a turbulent history. Founded by Gerrit Schotte, who became the first Prime Minister of autonomous Curaçao in 2010, the party quickly became controversial due to corruption scandals. Schotte was eventually convicted and disqualified from office, but MFK survived thanks to a loyal support base. In 2017, the party was in opposition, and in 2021, it made a comeback as the largest party with almost 28% of the votes. Under Pisas's leadership, MFK formed a coalition with PNP and has governed for the past four years. MFK's period in government was characterized by the challenge of working with the Netherlands under strict financial conditions; the party navigated between pragmatism and principles. For example, MFK agreed to reform measures to receive COVID support, but continued to loudly protest against the Coho (reform entity) imposed by the Netherlands. The support base appreciates MFK's fighting spirit and national pride, while critics argue that the party does not adequately solve structural problems. In the 2025 elections, the big question is whether MFK can maintain its dominant position. The party counts on its popular appeal and the fact that it "stands closest to the citizens" to emerge as the winner once again.

Pueblo Soberano (PS)


Pueblo Soberano (PS) means "Sovereign People." Pueblo Soberano is a well-known name in Curaçaoan politics, founded in 2005 by the late Helmin Wiels. The party was fiercely nationalistic and socially oriented, reaching its peak in the early 2010s when Wiels mobilized a large following with his charismatic and combative style.

Positions and Program

PS stands for self-determination of the Curaçaoan people and radical improvement of the position of the poor. Under Wiels, the party preached that Curaçao should free itself from neocolonial influences and determine its own course. Core points at that time were: combating corruption and mafia practices (Wiels was notorious for exposing lottery mafia and financial scandals), redistribution of wealth (increasing the minimum wage, lowering top incomes of administrators, stricter taxation of multinationals), and strengthening the local economy through cooperatives and government enterprises. Cultural identity was also important: PS emphasized Papiamentu, local history, and pride. After Wiels' death, the party lost direction, but one may assume that the current PS still tries to uphold that legacy: anti-corruption, pro-autonomy, and social-populist policies. They will, for example, be critical of the Coho/reform agenda and advocate for alternatives where Curaçao itself invests in poverty reduction without outside interference.

Left/Right Position

Pueblo Soberano was and is left-populist (2 to 3/10). The party combines very left-wing economic positions – redistribution, nationalization of strategic sectors, strong union support – with a nationalist slant that in some respects stands apart from left-right (sovereignty can be both a left anti-colonial and a right nationalist theme). All in all, because of the emphasis on social justice and anti-elite rhetoric, PS is usually placed on the left side, close to the poor population.

Notable Proposals

The most dramatic proposal in PS's history was the pursuit of an independent Curaçao in the long term (Wiels dreamed of 2024 as the year of independence). Today, PS dares to demand this less explicitly, but the spirit of it lives on in slogans about real soberania. Another classic PS idea was establishing a state oil company to take the refinery and oil storage into its own management – this was how Wiels wanted to keep the profits with the people. Today, PS might advocate for nationalization of utility companies or for a public bank. PS is also traditionally fierce against corruption: one proposal was to set up an anti-corruption tribunal to try politicians and civil servants outside the regular (seen by them as elitist) judiciary. Such radical ideas have been less loudly heard after Wiels, but they still belong to PS's ideology.

Background and Electoral History

Pueblo Soberano achieved great successes in 2010 and 2012 (4 and 5 seats respectively, even becoming the largest party in 2012). However, Helmin Wiels was murdered in May 2013, which caused a shock. After his death, the party fell apart due to internal disputes. In 2016/2017, PS still had 1 seat, but in the 2021 elections, it received only 1.4% of the votes – a huge loss compared to 2017 (when ~5%). The party has not been represented in parliament since then. For 2025, PS registered again, but during the preliminary elections, they failed to mobilize enough support to get on the ballot. The most loyal PS supporters have probably switched to MFK or other populist parties. Nevertheless, Pueblo Soberano continues to exist as a movement, albeit marginalized. Its historical significance – as a catalyst for change and a voice of popular anger in the early 21st century – is beyond dispute, but electoral relevance must be regained, probably through new leaders with Wiels-like flair or cooperation with like-minded groups.

Partido Nashonal di Pueblo (PNP)


Partido Nashonal di Pueblo (PNP), in English National People's Party, is one of the oldest parties in Curaçao. Founded in 1948 by Dr. Moises Frumencio da Costa Gomez after a split from the Catholic party, PNP has a Christian democratic origin with a social-democratic approach. PNP is recognizable by the color green.

Positions and Program

PNP applies the principle of "the human being at the center." This means that policy is shaped around the needs of citizens rather than abstract figures. Economy, justice, and governance are means to serve human welfare. Concretely, this translates into moderately left-wing positions: investing in education (PNP wants good education accessible to everyone, as it is the basis for development), strengthening social provisions (such as affordable healthcare, old-age provisions – although PNP has also supported difficult reforms in these areas in exchange for Dutch support), and building community (safe neighborhoods, support for family, neighborhood maintenance). At the same time, PNP favors a healthy economy as a precondition for all this: creating jobs through diversification, stimulating small and medium-sized businesses, and allowing tourism to grow sustainably. Administratively, PNP focuses on good governance and transparency, because only with these – the party argues – can people gain trust and security. This is expressed in support for anti-corruption measures and professional governance. PNP is also proactive in cooperation within the Kingdom: although nationalist in origin (Costa Gomez was an architect of the 1954 Charter), PNP realizes that partnership with the Netherlands can help achieve goals (e.g., in 2021, PNP joined a coalition with MFK to implement reforms with Dutch money).

Left/Right Position

PNP is a center-left party (4/10). Historically a Christian people's party with a social inclination, comparable to a social democratic course mixed with community values. The party wants both economic development and social justice. In the current context, PNP positions itself to the left of parties like PAR and MAN, but to the right of real left-wing populists like PS. It is in fact a classic middle party with a slight leftward signature: market forces are allowed, but the vulnerable must be protected and the state must provide direction for social progress.

Notable Proposals

In the run-up to 2025, PNP presented its party program after carnival, with the motto "Huntu nos por" (together we can) newly filled in. Notable is PNP's emphasis on poverty reduction: the party wants to introduce a child package (free school meals, basic necessities, and after-school care for children in poverty), among other things. PNP also launches a plan for social housing where the government makes land available for affordable housing, to help young families. On the economic front, PNP advocates setting up a Local Investment Bank, financed by pension funds, to provide SME loans – an idea to keep more capital in the local economy. Additionally, PNP remains faithful to administrative renewal: it wants to implement the controversial integrity chamber (Integrity Implementation Body) and make public tenders mandatory above certain amounts. This mix of social, economic, and administrative points underscores PNP's broad approach with "the human being" as a guideline.

Background and Electoral History

PNP has a rich history. Da Costa Gomez of the PNP was the first Prime Minister of the autonomous territory of Curaçao and a key figure in the 1954 Charter. For years, PNP was a power factor, though its influence declined from the 1970s. In recent decades, PNP has often been small represented or absent in parliament. After 2010, PNP even disappeared briefly, but in 2021, the party made a comeback with 4 seats (12.4% of the votes) under the leadership of Ruthmilda "Mimi" Larmonie-Cecilia. She formed a coalition with MFK, in which PNP held ministerial posts including Finance and Economy. This government participation gave PNP profile again: the party has set in motion several reforms (for example, in the area of tax collection) and achieved small successes (for example, a project for neighborhood improvement in Otrobanda). PNP presents itself in 2025 as the stable factor alongside MFK's turbulence – a party with experience that sympathizes socially but can also act administratively responsibly. With its historical awareness and renewed support base, PNP hopes to maintain or expand its number of seats, building on the trust that voters placed in it in 2021. If the first government participation in years has been well received by its support base, PNP could once again claim the role of kingmaker in 2025.